Scenes From A Hat
If you know what Scenes From A Hat are, then we’re sure you already have a funny bone. This phrase describes ideas for improv scenes placed inside of a hat, the host draws one randomly, and then the improv performers need to act out the saying. Sometimes the scenes are for one person and sometimes for more, but either way they’re hilarious.
Scenes From A Hat Source
I’m not really sure where the phrase Scenes From A Hat originates from, but one place I know that had it was Drew Carey’s “Whose Line Is It” TV show. That show is still one of my favorites of all time even though it’s been off the air for quite some time. The good news is that you can find plenty of episodes on Youtube and other sites and there’s a new Drew Carey improv show in Las Vegas.
Scenes From A Hat Ideas
When it comes to ideas there’s a non-stop supply of them, but not every idea would be funny. Some ideas for Scenes From A Hat that stemmed from Who’s Line are things like “Things you can say about food, but not your wife” or “Things not to say on a first date”. It takes some time and thought to put together some great ideas that will be enjoyed by all, but the bottom line is that it’s all about having fun.
Take some time out and create your own Scenes From A Hat and have some fun with friends!